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Athletes of the Month: Ben Schwartz & Dana Beaty

Athletes of the Month: Dana Beaty

Dana Beaty:

As a member of the girls’ cross-country team at Sandpoint High School, Dana Beaty is proud of what she and her teammates have accomplished.

“We all work together to strive for our goals and put everything out on the course for each other,” said Dana. “Also, without the help of two amazing coaches, Matt and Angie Brass, my training couldn’t be where it is now.”

Although she is still undecided as to where she will attend college, Dana said she would like to continue with her athletic career.

“Athletics have shaped who I am and continuing them in college is something that I have been working towards since my freshman year of high school,” she said.

Dana said she is fascinated by how the human body works and moves, and this is why she plans to pursue a career in physical therapy.

As she goes onto the next chapter in her life, Dana will look back on her high school running days with fond memories.

“The main thing that I love about my sport are my teammates,” said Dana. “When we step up to the line to compete, we realize how much we are willing to bleed for each other.”

She is also grateful to her coach Angie Brass who has taught Dana that to succeed at anything, you need to be able to put your head down and work for it.

“Angie has been an incredible role model and mentor throughout my four years of running in high school. She has helped me to become a stronger individual. She is such a strong woman, and I believe that her strength spreads throughout all of the girls on the team. Her life lessons and advice almost seem endless. The definition of our team would be so different without her.”

Photo courtesy Matt and Angie Brass.

Athletes of the Month: Ben Schwartz

Ben Schwartz:

Ever since Ben Schwartz can remember, soccer has been an important part of his life.

“It has been a great journey,” said the Sandpoint High School senior. “I’m thankful for where it has led me and the people I’ve met.”

Ben not only gives all he has on the field but in the classroom as well. He has always strived to apply himself and has maintained a 4.0 GPA. And while he admits that school can sometimes be tedious, he said he does not let those times hinder his drive to learn.

Looking ahead, Ben hopes to attend Montana State University next year and study either film or history. “I adore movies and would love to produce them as a career,” said Ben. “History has been my favorite subject in high school. I find the lessons that we can learn from the past to be invaluable in bettering our society.”

Ben said that he enjoys the team dynamic that comes with soccer. “It’s amazing how my 20 teammates all have my back and I have theirs. We have played together for many years so I can count on them on and off the field.”

His coach, Adam Tajan, said that Ben shows excellent leadership and discipline. “He’s resilient and always positive,” said Tajan.

As for Ben, he is grateful to Tajan for showing him the importance of effort.

“In soccer, it often doesn’t matter who is the most talented, but rather who works the hardest. I believe that this can transfer to the real world, because if you want results, you must put forth the time and energy,” said Ben.

Photo by Jason Duchow Photography.

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