Allura Livingston
Sandpoint High School junior Allura Livingston has been playing tennis under Coach Kent Anderson since she was in the seventh grade. She is passionate about the sport and that dedication has turned into success. She serves as one of the team captains this year and won districts her sophomore year. She was also named the Inland Empire League Player of the Year last year.
Allura shares that she loves everything about tennis from the competition to the practices and her team. One of the biggest challenges she faces is managing her time to the fullest. “Trying to have a healthy social life, keep good grades as well as better my tennis skills are all time consuming,” she said.
She plans to attend college after she graduates next year but has yet to decide if she will continue to play tennis at the collegiate level.
One thing that Allura has learned from being involved in sports is that one must never give up. “Even if you are losing a match, there is always a chance to make a comeback,” she said. “And tennis has proved that to me many times.”

Declan Plummer
Declan Plummer enjoys sports, and it is something that keeps him busy all year round. He plays on Sandpoint High School’s football, basketball and tennis teams and, according to tennis coach, Kent Anderson, is a huge asset to the team.
A junior, Declan has time to make a decision on where he will attend college and is not sure of where that will be. “I will see if I get any offers,” he said of possible athletic scholarships.
One thing that Declan is sure of is that one day he wants to own his own business. “I like to be in control,” he said.
While every sport comes with its challenges, Declan shared that the biggest hurdle he has had to face is playing quarterback. But he has been diligent and has practiced hard to achieve what he has so far.
And when asked what sport it is he enjoys the most, Declan said tennis “because of the great coaching staff and the players.”
He has many coaches over the years in a variety of sports, but one lesson Declan has learned that he plans to carry with him throughout his life is this: “You are either growing or you’re dying; there is no third direction.”